Rally Forms

Please post completed leisure boat forms/ trade boat forms and risk assessment (TERA 1) to: Mr. M. Harrison, ECP&DA Rally, 130 Derby Road, Langley Mill, Notts NG16 4AA

Please post completed trade stall/exhibitor forms and risk assessments (TERA 1) to: Mr J. Nixey, ECP&DA Rally, 130 Derby Road, Langley Mill, Notts NG16 4AA

Traders and exhibitors will also need to complete the Traders' and Exhibitors' Risk Assessment (TERA 1) and send a completed copy with your application form.

You can download the forms in PDF format and they can be completed in your browser.

Completed forms/ risk assessments can be emailed to: rallyforms@rally.ecpda.org.uk

Please note:
Trade Boat slots are over subscribed and we cannot take any more bookings. Sorry for any disappointment.

Thumbnail Title Date Posted Size
folder icon Historic Boats 12/18/22
folder icon Leisure Boats 12/18/22
folder icon Posters 12/18/22
folder icon Trade and Exhibitors 12/18/22
folder icon Risk Assessments 12/18/22
folder icon Trade boats 12/18/22